In the News Archive
- March 22, 2017
Lewis Baach's Ron Abramson said the verdict illustrates SCOTUS’ “disinclination to have ‘special rules’ for patent law that widely diverge from the resolution of analogous questions in related legal fields.” He added, “What the decision does do is cut way back on a defence that occasionally allows a patent infringement defendant to escape liability for damages. Due to the infrequency that this defence prevailed, I would say this decision will not have a monumental impact.”
www.intellectualpropertymagazine.comIntellectual Property Magazine - March 21, 2017
The impact of the decision will be limited because laches was rarely asserted in patent cases and was even more rarely successful, said Ron Abramson, a partner with Lewis Baach. "The decision was widely expected and again illustrates the Supreme Court’s disinclination to have `special rules' for patent law that widely diverge from the resolution of analogous questions in related legal fields," Abramson said in an e-mailed analysis.
www.forbes.comForbes - March 8, 2017
Elizabeth Marvin, an attorney with Lewis Baach in Washington, D.C., said that whether Title IX encompasses gender identity discrimination "could potentially have an impact on employers, because it would require the [Suprerme] Court to consider whether Title IX's prohibition on discrimination on the basis of sex includes gender identity," should the issue again reach the Supreme Court. "A decision that 'sex' as used in Title IX encompasses gender identity would effectively expand the definition of 'sex' as used in other statutes, such as Title VII."
www.shrm.orgSociety for Human Resource Management - February 23, 2017
Lewis Baach’s Ron Abramson said SCOTUS had “cut off” an argument that could have expand US patent jurisdiction beyond reason. “Everyone on the court agrees that there has to be more than one US component under the provision in question [to infringe]… the decision does straighten out an area where the lower court had pushed US law too far,” Abramson said.
www.intellectualpropertymagazine.comIntellectual Property Magazine - February 23, 2017
Ron Abramson, partner at Lewis Baach, agreed with Dragseth that the ruling raises questions. “I’m not sure I buy the fine points of the court’s statutory construction reasoning, and I see many open questions raised by this decision. However, the big point here is that the Supreme Court has, quite properly in my view, cut off an argument that could have expanded US patent jurisdiction beyond reason by an exporter who did nothing more with respect to the US than supply a commodity component that is later used in making some further product abroad, where only the final product would have infringed had it
been made in the US.”www.lifesciencesipreview.comLife Sciences Intellectual Property Review - February 23, 2017The Supreme Court’s ruling yesterday in Life Technologies v Promega will curb the extraterritorial reach of US patent law, according to experts, but its failure to define “substantial portion” is another example of increasing uncertainty.
Critical of the judgement, Ron Abramson, partner at Lewis Baach, was unsure whether he “buys the fine points of the court’s statutory construction reasoning” and sees “many open questions raised by this decision.” [...]
www.ippropatents.comIPPRO Patents - February 2017Financiamiento de Litigios
Manuel Varela and Cristián Francos were interviewed by AUNO legal magazine on Litigation Funding
Manuel Varela y Cristián Francos fueron entrevistados por la revista legal AUNO respecto del financiamiento de litigios
Page 28-29AUNO - January 30, 2017John Moscow Talks to Law360 about Conviction of Programmer under 50-year-old Theft Law
- 2017 Edition
Lewis Baach is pleased to announce the release of “Getting the Deal Through: Litigation Funding 2017,” which offers the first comprehensive overview of the laws and regulations governing litigation funding on a country-by-country basis. Lewis Baach attorneys David Liston, Alex Patchen and Tara Plochocki authored the chapter on the United States.
- January 16, 2017
A host of likely legal challenges will confront Middle East related entities doing business in or with the United States under President Trump, write Waleed Nassar and Kate Toomey.
The New Arab - January 3, 2017Eric Lewis Of Lewis Baach, On The Polarizing Legal Market, Internationalism, And White Collar Trends
As the market continues to pound out a separation between the niche players and the global elites, major legal consumers are increasingly turning to boutique firms for some of their more challenging work. Between their dexterity, fee flexibility, and, depending on the size of the boutique, deeper resources, we are seeing a growing interest in boutiques and niche firms in the legal market.
www.forbes.comForbes - January 3, 2017
Complaints brought by employees belonging to what is traditionally the majority group should be taken as seriously as complaints brought by employees belonging to historically disadvantaged groups, noted Elizabeth Marvin, an attorney with Lewis Baach in Washington, D.C.
www.shrm.orgSociety for Human Resource Managment - December 19, 2016In an op-ed, Kate Toomey discusses how disapproval of the pantsuit is symbolic of the struggles that women have faced for professional acceptance in fields dominated by men.www.nationallawjournal.comNational Law Journal
- December 13, 2016
“This is a really important action for this court,” Ali Jaber’s attorney Jeffrey Robinson said to the D.C. Circuit’s three-judge panel Tuesday morning.
Robinson called on the court to decide whether it will be held hostage to the political-question doctrine that prevents courts from interfering in executive policymaking – one of the primary reasons cited by U.S. District Judge Ellen Huvelle for dismissing the lawsuit back in March. - December 13, 2016
On Monday, Dec. 12, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision clarifying subsection 1 of the bank fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. §1344, in Shaw v. United States. Notwithstanding a veritable ocean of case law, regulations and statutes that delineate the difference between a bank’s property and that of its customers, the court quickly pushed such technical arguments to the side, holding that — for the purposes of the bank fraud statute — there is no practical difference between targeting a bank customer’s funds and targeting the bank’s own funds.
www.law360.comLaw360 - December 13, 2016
For the first time ever, the victim of an apparent U.S. drone strike got a hearing in a U.S. court.
WUSA Channel 9 - December 12, 2016
“The court’s decision is in keeping with the long-standing principle that a fraud can be prosecuted under the criminal law even if the victim does not suffer a loss — which is an important distinction between criminal fraud and civil fraud,” said A. Katherine Toomey, a partner at Lewis Baach PLLC.
www.Law360.comLaw360 - 2016Insiders 'Back on the Hook' After U.S. Supreme Court Insider Decision
For two years, stock traders and the attorneys who represent them said the law surrounding insider trading was a muddle, with no one knowing what exactly is or isn’t legal.
The U.S. Supreme Court Dec. 6 said it had ‘‘easily’’ settled the question (Salman v. United States, 2016 BL 404795, U.S., No. 15-628, 12/6/16).‘‘Going forward, even remote tippees of inside information are at risk if the government can demonstrate that the defendant knew he was trading on inside information and the chain of disclosure is sufficiently close, even if no money changes hands.’’ Eric Lewis, Lewis Baach PLLC
Page 1Bloomberg BNA White Collar Crime Report - December 6, 2016
Both the speed and the unanimity of the decision sent a strong message re-affirming existing insider trading prosecutions, according to Eric Lewis, a partner at Lewis Baach, a Washington DC law firm specializing in financial crimes.
"It was somewhat surprising that the Supreme Court took this case," Lewis told ValueWalk, noting that it had been two decades since the high court took up an insider trading case.
ValueWalk - November 17, 2016
Eric Lewis got a phone call from an old friend’s sister shortly after he wrote an op-ed in The New York Times in 2013 detailing his time playing under a high school football coach who was also a serial sexual predator.
That call ultimately led Lewis to take a turn this week as a journalist—a departure from his busy career as a prominent lawyer handling international fraud disputes, including representing Bernie Madoff’s investment firm in its liquidation—at his nearly 40-lawyer firm Lewis Baach in Washington, D.C.
www.americanlawyer.comThe American Lawyer - November 16, 2016
The Appellate Division, First Department, recently affirmed the dismissal of various claims brought by New Greenwich Litigation Trustee, successor to the claims of two feeder funds in the Bernard Madoff affair, against various third-party fund administrators, accountants and auditors.
New York Law Journal - November 13, 2016The types of cases that the U.S. Justice Department will pursue is uncertain in Trump administration
"If you’re a public-integrity prosecutor, and you’ve been doing that for five years, you know who all the players are,” said Anthony Capozzolo, a former prosecutor in the Eastern District.
www.wsj.comThe Wall Street Journal - November 3, 2016
A decision by the Supreme Court overturning the 4th Circuit's decision could "considerably erode" the American Civil Liberties Union's (ACLU's) challenge to H.B. 2 in Carcaño, said Elizabeth Marvin, an attorney with Lewis Baach in Washington, D.C.
www.shrm.orgSociety for Human Resource Management - October 12, 2016
The justices directly confronted the issue of race in their questions, said Jeffrey Robinson, an attorney with Lewis Baach PLLC in Washington. Robinson extensively worked on civil rights and death penalty cases and formerly worked at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, though not in connection with Buck.
www.bna.comBloomberg BNA - October 9, 2016
"It's still their burden to prove their allegations, which right now is based on a lot of innuendo and leaps of logic," said Waleed Nassar, a partner at Lewis Baach, which represents two of the Saudi charities named in the case.
thehill.comThe Hill - October 7, 2016
“The government is looking for the Goldilocks number -- not too high and not too low,” said Katherine Toomey, a litigation partner at Lewis Baach Pllc in Washington who’s not involved in the Deutsche Bank case. “They want a deterrent for conduct and punishment, but without putting a major institution out of business or costing jobs.” - October 5, 2016
The U.S. Supreme Court is set to hear arguments Tuesday in a case that could make it more difficult for federal prosecutors to bring some bank fraud cases, and may also help determine whether banks are legally owners of customer deposits once they are made.
"Had the government used the second clause to go after Shaw, there would be no case before the Supreme Court," said A. Katherine Toomey, the managing partner of Lewis Baach PLLC's Washington office. "What seems the weirdest to me is that he was only charged under subsection one," she said.
www.law360.comLaw360 - October 3,
- September 29, 2016
Next week, for the second time in two years, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear argument in a case for the purpose of resolving a split in the circuits concerning the scope of the bank fraud statute — 18 U.S.C. §1344.
www.law360.comLaw360 - September 29, 2016
Mr. Lewis said that “there is no there there” on the allegations of any Saudi government role in the attacks, given the kingdom’s long history of being at war with Al Qaeda.
“The notion that senior Saudi officials or the Saudi government had an interest in supporting Sept. 11 and the attack on the World Trade Center is patently absurd,” he said.
www.nytimes.comThe New York Times - September 28, 2016
Anthony Capozzolo, counsel at Lewis Baach PLLC in New York who spent six years as an Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York primarily, agreed. He told Bloomberg BNA that one of the biggest reasons the government didn't go forward was because the Supreme Court's decision “eviscerated” the government's case.
The ruling made it “nearly impossible to prove attempts,” Capozzolo said.
www.bna.comBloomberg BNA - September 26, 2016New York Law Journal
- September 8, 2016
“The Department of Justice views this decision as having a material effect on the way they’ve been prosecuting quid pro quo cases in the past,” said Anthony M. Capozzolo, a former federal prosecutor, who interpreted the McDonnells’ decisions as “a sign that they’re going to handle these cases differently.”
The New York Times - September 8, 2016
Such an apparent disagreement is not uncommon, said Anthony Capozzolo, a former federal prosecutor who handled public corruption cases in New York. But he told the Two-Way that the Justice Department's action is a "game changer" that could impact other public integrity cases.
"The government had a good case in terms of jury appeal," Capozzolo said. "But it appears the department's decision is solely based on the view that McDonnell's activity did not rise to the level of the standard in the Supreme Court decision." - September 8, 2016John Moscow Talks to New York Times about Growing Problem of White Collar Crime
- September 1, 2016
Elizabeth Marvin, an attorney with Lewis Baach in Washington, D.C., agreed, saying, "A holding that the bill also violates Title VII [of the Civil Rights Act of 1964] is a logical extension of the Aug. 26 holding." However, she added, "It is far too early to predict an ultimate outcome."
www.shrm.orgSociety for Human Resource Management - August 15, 2016
Transgender individuals are feeling the brunt of the law, said Elizabeth Marvin, an attorney with Lewis Baach in Washington, D.C.
"Because H.B. 2 will be difficult if not impossible to enforce, it will create a culture in which private citizens feel that they have the right and duty to be gender monitors in public restrooms," Marvin said. She cautioned that this "could potentially result in more violence and harassment directed toward transgender individuals."
Society for Human Resource Mangement - August 5, 2016Latin America remains risky for FCPA violations despite more cooperation from governments"The degree of cooperation between U.S. and Latin American authorities is at an all-time high,” says attorney Adam Kaufmann.www.insidecounsel.comInside Counsel
- August 4, 2016www.law360.comLaw360
- August 3, 2016
Financial institutions should worry about the anti-money laundering (AML) issues that the UK Bribery Act (2010) gives rise to despite the law having been in effect for just over five years, lawyers said. The danger was thinking that because the law had existed since 2011, that compliance and legal staff have it figured out, they said.
Thomson Reuters Regulatory Intelligence - July 28, 2016Bloomberg Talks to John Moscow about Auction House Loan Process
- July 20, 2016al-Arabiya
- July 20, 2016
Mr. Francos is quoted in the article.
www.insidecounsel.comInside Counsel - July 12,
- July 12, 2016www.law360.comLaw360
- July 7, 2016
In this exclusive Of Counsel piece, Julie Copeland and Mirella deRose, take a look at the “ABCs” of compliance.
- June 24, 2016
Mr. Robinson's is quoted sharing his impression to the June 23 Supreme Court decision regarding affirmative action. - June 23, 2016
Mr. Robinson is quoted in the article sharing his perspective on Justice Kennedy's decision.
www.forbes.comForbes - June 10, 2016
A U.S. District Court in the Eastern District of Virginia imposed a below-Guidelines sentence for a Syrian-born U.S.citizen who pleaded guilty to providing equipment to forces opposing the Syrian regime in violation of U.S. sanctions laws.
Associated Press - June 9, 2016
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Thursday that Puerto Rico and the U.S. government may not prosecute individuals for the same crimes in a case that tested the limits of the territory's sovereignty, an issue that has become increasingly urgent as the commonwealth has struggled with a massive debt problem.
www.law360.comLaw 360