Complex Financial Disputes
Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss lawyers have extensive experience in some of the most complex and significant disputes to have arisen in recent years in world financial markets. From working to unravel the $10 billion fraud within BCCI and assist in repatriating more than 90% of funds to creditors, to representation of a leading pension fund in the WorldCom litigation, to representing leading hedge funds and investors in disputes with financial institutions, to litigating securities fraud claims arising out of the CDO debacle to the largest fraud in the Middle East. Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss lawyers have the financial experience and sophistication to evaluate, understand and advise with respect to complex financial instruments and intricate transactional histories.
We have represented some of the nation’s largest hedge funds in litigation involving Central Asian privatizations, fallout from the Russian ruble crisis and crises in the Japanese equity markets. We obtained a $1 billion judgment at trial against a nominee cooperating with corrupt prior management at BCCI to hide huge commodities trading losses. We represented a leading UK pension fund in litigation involving the massive accounting fraud at WorldCom. We have also represented senior governmental officials, corporate leaders at Fortune 500 companies and the head of the Oil-for-Food Programme in investigations of alleged financial irregularities. We represent an overseas bank in challenging its abrupt shut down through the actions of U.S. regulators. We have also acted on behalf of international liquidators in investigating and litigating claims for and against financial institutions, accounting firms, investment advisers, brokers, appraisers and other investment professionals.
While other law firms may offer unwieldy teams, few will have greater experience, market expertise and success in complex, high-stakes financial disputes than the attorneys at Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss.
In the News
Global Investigations Review has ranked LBKM as one of the world’s leading firms for cross-border investigations.
November 15, 2024Cristián Francos was quoted in an article discussing the frameworks used in many Western countries to provide compensation to overseas victims of economic crime.
IBA Global Insight, July 23, 2024On Tuesday, La Dolce Vita laid out a detailed argument supporting its request to seize the paintings, saying New York-based Christie's records confirm that Zhang was the successful bidder for the artworks and that Christie's considered Zhang the "true client," and not Apex.
While La Dolce Vita noted that Christie's wrote a "to whom it may concern" letter in January 2015 to "confirm" that Zhang's shell company had "paid in full for their purchases and is the owner" of the artworks, it also said that Apex failed to take possession of the paintings because "Christie's was not fooled" and refused to deliver them.
Law360, March 14, 2024An arm of the private equity firm CVC Capital Partners is trying to seize two paintings, including one by Andy Warhol, to satisfy $142 million in arbitral awards that it claims the Chinese restaurateur Zhang Lan has sought to avoid by concealing her assets.
Law360, July 24, 2023LBKM’s Middle East team is featured in The Legal 500 Private Practice Powerlist 2023 for Arbitration (Middle East). The publication is designed to highlight the region's leading arbitration counsel to Legal 500's broad international readership of private practice lawyers, in-house counsel, and expert witnesses.
April 27, 2023Aisha Bembry, managing partner of LBKM's Washington office, was featured in's "How I Made It" series., November 8, 2022Solomon Shinerock joins LBKM from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, where he worked in the Major Economic Crimes Bureau. Before that, he was an assistant U.S. attorney in the Northern District of New York.
Law360, October 13, 2022A senior prosecutor who played a key role in New York’s investigations into former President Donald Trump has moved into private practice.
Solomon Shinerock, who left the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office on Sept. 30, joined litigation boutique Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss on Tuesday as a partner.
New York Law Journal, October 12, 2022The United States Supreme Court concluded in ZF Automotive US, Inc. v. Luxshare, Ltd. that federal district courts cannot order discovery for use in a private foreign arbitration via 18 U.S.C. § 1782—a statute that permits litigants to seek discovery in federal court for “use in a proceeding in a foreign or international tribunal.” The unanimous decision narrows a useful discovery tool by prohibiting parties in or contemplating private, foreign arbitration from obtaining discovery through federal courts for use in that arbitration.
June 14, 2022Lewis Baach Kaufmann Middlemiss PLLC is pleased to announce that John Moscow has been named to the 2021 New York Super Lawyers list. Each year, no more than five percent of the lawyers in each state are selected to receive this honor. In addition, A. Mackenna White has been named to the 2021 New York Rising Stars list. Each year, no more than 2.5 percent of the lawyers in the state are selected to receive this honor.
September 30, 2021An amended complaint filed in Miami-Dade County alleges that Amicorp, an international trust services company, actively participated in a multi-million-dollar real estate fraud which victimized many Latin American families., July 3, 2019Katherine Toomey was interviewed about renewed Chamber of Commerce efforts to obtain disclosure of third party funding arrangements for litigation. She noted that the process of obtaining funding can be helpful “because oftentimes you are engaging in a real testing of the strength of the case. . . You have people who are very knowledgeable and are interested in making sure they're making a good investment, asking you some very hard questions about the weakest parts of your case. So the cases that make it through are stronger for the process."
Law360, June 21, 2017On Monday, Dec. 12, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a unanimous decision clarifying subsection 1 of the bank fraud statute, 18 U.S.C. §1344, in Shaw v. United States. Notwithstanding a veritable ocean of case law, regulations and statutes that delineate the difference between a bank’s property and that of its customers, the court quickly pushed such technical arguments to the side, holding that — for the purposes of the bank fraud statute — there is no practical difference between targeting a bank customer’s funds and targeting the bank’s own funds.
Law360, December 13, 2016“The court’s decision is in keeping with the long-standing principle that a fraud can be prosecuted under the criminal law even if the victim does not suffer a loss — which is an important distinction between criminal fraud and civil fraud,” said A. Katherine Toomey, a partner at Lewis Baach PLLC.
Law360, December 12, 2016- Insiders 'Back on the Hook' After U.S. Supreme Court Insider Decision
For two years, stock traders and the attorneys who represent them said the law surrounding insider trading was a muddle, with no one knowing what exactly is or isn’t legal.
The U.S. Supreme Court Dec. 6 said it had ‘‘easily’’ settled the question (Salman v. United States, 2016 BL 404795, U.S., No. 15-628, 12/6/16).‘‘Going forward, even remote tippees of inside information are at risk if the government can demonstrate that the defendant knew he was trading on inside information and the chain of disclosure is sufficiently close, even if no money changes hands.’’ Eric Lewis, Lewis Baach PLLC
Bloomberg BNA White Collar Crime Report, 2016 Both the speed and the unanimity of the decision sent a strong message re-affirming existing insider trading prosecutions, according to Eric Lewis, a partner at Lewis Baach, a Washington DC law firm specializing in financial crimes.
"It was somewhat surprising that the Supreme Court took this case," Lewis told ValueWalk, noting that it had been two decades since the high court took up an insider trading case.
ValueWalk, December 6, 2016The Appellate Division, First Department, recently affirmed the dismissal of various claims brought by New Greenwich Litigation Trustee, successor to the claims of two feeder funds in the Bernard Madoff affair, against various third-party fund administrators, accountants and auditors.
New York Law Journal, November 16, 2016- Law 360, March 30, 2016
- El Govern sempre ens ha rebutjat o ingnorat per negociarel Periòdic d’Andorra, March 10, 2016
- The Wall Street Journal, March 9, 2016
- American Banker, November 18, 2015
- Reuters, May 27, 2015
- US class action lawsuit alleges high-frequency traders, exchanges, brokers and dark pool operators have committed securities law violationsInsurance Day, August 21, 2014
- Societe Generale allegedly mis-sold financial products to Northern Rock that were partly to blame for UK bank's collapseThe Telegragh, August 13, 2014
- Yahoo Finance France, August 13, 2014
- Le Parisien, August 13, 2014
- Law360, August 12, 2014
- January 30, 2014
- EE.UU. investiga a varias entidades de Caracas sospechosas de romper el cercoFebruary 10, 2013
- Shareholder lawsuit against Barclays could become template for other legal actionsInsurance Day, August 16, 2012
- The recoupment of illicit funds pilfered from the country through the decades of Mubarak led corruptionDaily News Egypt, July 19, 2012
- The Deal Pipeline, February 22, 2012
- The lawyer behind a $1 billion cross-border suit against Goldman Sachs following the sub-prime mortgage crisis praises the merits of bringing major commercial cases in the United States.February 3, 2012
- Washington lawyer Eric Lewis, who is acting for hedge fund Basis Capital in its $1 billion court action against Goldman Sachs over collateralised debt obligation deals in 2007, is used to playing a long game.The Australian, February 2, 2012
- Saudi Firms Continue Multi-Billion Dollar Global Legal BattleMiddle East Economic Survey, October 31, 2011
- Huffington Post, October 28, 2011
- Saudi Arabia’s most high profile legal battle indicates just how dangerous the world’s capital markets remain a decade after Sept. 11, 2001.Trends Magazine, September 11, 2011
- The National, March 13, 2011
- The Washington Post, February 13, 2011
- The Australian Financial Review, June 11, 2010
- Reuters, June 10, 2010
- An Australian hedge fund has launched a billion dollar lawsuit alleging Goldman Sachs knowingly sold it dud investments.ABC News, June 10, 2010
- Huffington Post, June 9, 2010
- Goldman Faces $1 Billion SuitBasis Capital Cites 'False Representations' in Collapsed CDO; Abacus Factor?Wall Street Journal, June 9, 2010
- The Lawyer, May 18, 2009
- The Big Money from Slate, March 23, 2009
- While others heard siren call, Lebanon's bank governor steered safely past tempation.Legal Times, December 15, 2008
Publications, Presentations & Events
- Asset Recovery International 2025Dublin, February 7, 2025
LBKM is proud to sponsor this year's CenterForce Driving Diversity in Law & Leadership Summit in Washington, DC, where Managing Partner Aisha Bembry will be a panelist at a session titled "Shattering Glass Ceilings: The Unwritten Playbook for Career Success Beyond Hard Work."
Washington, DC, June 12, 2024- For global transparency and financial integrity, the US must ensure that the dollar remains dominant, October 31, 2017
- April 23, 2013
- August 16, 2012
- Annual Review - Financier WorldwideApril 2012
- March 15, 2012
- June 16, 2009
- February 2009
- "What Can Madoff Investors do to Maximize the Recovery of Their Assets?"December 2008